
Collection class that maps a MongoDB-like collection

Kind: global class
Since: 0.0.1
Author: Eduardo Astolfi
License: MIT Licensed
Copyright: 2016 Eduardo Astolfi <>

  • Collection
    • new Collection()
    • [.insert(doc, [options], [callback])](#Collection+insert) ⇒ Promise.<Object>
    • [.bulkInsert(docs, [options], [callback])](#Collection+bulkInsert) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Object>>
    • [.find([selection], [fields], [options], [callback])](#Collection+find) ⇒ Promise.<(Array.<Object>|Cursor)>
    • [.findOne([selection], [fields], [options], [callback])](#Collection+findOne) ⇒ Promise.<Object>
    • [.update([selection], [update], [options], [callback])](#Collection+update) ⇒ Promise.<Object>
    • [.remove([selection], [options], [callback])](#Collection+remove) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Obejct>>
    • .delete()
    • .destroy()
    • [.drop([options], [callback])](#Collection+drop) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Object>>
    • .save(doc, [callback])Promise.<Object>
    • .aggregate(pipeline, [options])Array | Cursor

new Collection()


collection.insert(doc, [options], [callback]) ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Inserts a document into the collection

Kind: instance method of Collection
Returns: Promise.<Object> - Returns a promise with the inserted document

Param Type Default Description
doc Object Document to be inserted
[options] Object Additional options
[callback] function Callback function to be called at the end with the results

collection.bulkInsert(docs, [options], [callback]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Object>>

Inserts several documents into the collection

Kind: instance method of Collection
Returns: Promise.<Array.<Object>> - Returns a promise with the inserted documents

Param Type Default Description
docs Array Documents to be inserted
[options] Object Additional options
[callback] function Callback function to be called at the end with the results

collection.find([selection], [fields], [options], [callback]) ⇒ Promise.<(Array.<Object>|Cursor)>

Finds all matching documents

Kind: instance method of Collection
Returns: Promise.<(Array.<Object>|Cursor)> - Returns a promise with the documents (or cursor if "options.forceFetch" set to true)

Param Type Default Description
[selection] Object | Array | String {} The selection for matching documents
[fields] Object | Array | String {} The fields of the document to show
[options] Object Additional options
[options.skip] Number Number of documents to be skipped
[options.limit] Number Max number of documents to display
[options.fields] Object | Array | String Same as "fields" parameter (if both passed, "options.fields" will be ignored)
[options.doNotFetch] Boolean false If set to'"true" returns the cursor not fetched
[callback] function Callback function to be called at the end with the results

collection.findOne([selection], [fields], [options], [callback]) ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Finds the first matching document

Kind: instance method of Collection
Returns: Promise.<Object> - Returns a promise with the first matching document of the collection

Param Type Default Description
[selection] Object | Array | String {} The selection for matching documents
[fields] Object | Array | String {} The fields of the document to show
[options] Object Additional options
[options.skip] Number Number of documents to be skipped
[options.limit] Number Max number of documents to display
[options.fields] Object | Array | String Same as "fields" parameter (if both passed, "options.fields" will be ignored)
[callback] function Callback function to be called at the end with the results

collection.update([selection], [update], [options], [callback]) ⇒ Promise.<Object>

Updates one or many documents

Kind: instance method of Collection
Returns: Promise.<Object> - Returns a promise with the update/insert (if upsert=true) information

Param Type Default Description
[selection] Object | Array | String {} The selection for matching documents
[update] Object {} The update operation
[options] Object Additional options
[options.updateAsMongo] Number true By default: If the [update] object contains update operator modifiers, such as those using the "$set" modifier, then:
  • The [update] object must contain only update operator expressions
  • The Collection#update method updates only the corresponding fields in the document
    • If the [update] object contains only "field: value" expressions, then:
      • The Collection#update method replaces the matching document with the [update] object. The Collection#update method does not replace the "_id" value
      • Collection#update cannot update multiple documents
    [options.override] Number false Replaces the whole document (only apllies when [updateAsMongo=false])
    [options.upsert] Number false Creates a new document when no document matches the query criteria
    [options.multi] Number false Updates multiple documents that meet the criteria
    [options.writeConcern] Object An object expressing the write concern
    [callback] function Callback function to be called at the end with the results

    collection.remove([selection], [options], [callback]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Obejct>>

    Removes one or many documents

    Kind: instance method of Collection
    Returns: Promise.<Array.<Obejct>> - Promise with the deleted documents

    Param Type Default Description
    [selection] Object | Array | String {} The selection for matching documents
    [options] Object Additional options
    [options.justOne] Number false Deletes the first occurrence of the selection
    [options.writeConcern] Object An object expressing the write concern
    [callback] function Callback function to be called at the end with the results


    Alias for remove

    Kind: instance method of Collection


    Alias for remove

    Kind: instance method of Collection

    collection.drop([options], [callback]) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Object>>

    Drops a collection

    Kind: instance method of Collection
    Returns: Promise.<Array.<Object>> - Promise with the deleted documents

    Param Type Default Description
    [options] Object Additional options
    [options.dropIndexes] Number false True if we want to drop the indexes too
    [options.writeConcern] Object An object expressing the write concern
    [callback] function Callback function to be called at the end with the results, [callback]) ⇒ Promise.<Object>

    Insert or update a document. If the document has an "_id" is an update (with upsert), if not is an insert.

    Kind: instance method of Collection
    Returns: Promise.<Object> - Returns a promise with the inserted document or the update information

    Param Type Default Description
    doc Object Document to be inserted/updated
    [options.dropIndexes] Number false True if we want to drop the indexes too
    [options.writeConcern] Object An object expressing the write concern
    [callback] function Callback function to be called at the end with the results

    collection.aggregate(pipeline, [options]) ⇒ Array | Cursor

    Calculates aggregate values for the data in a collection

    Kind: instance method of Collection
    Returns: Array | Cursor - If "options.forceFetch" set to true returns the array of documents, otherwise returns a cursor

    Param Type Default Description
    pipeline Array A sequence of data aggregation operations or stages
    [options] Object Additional options
    [options.forceFetch] Boolean false If set to'"true" returns the array of documents already fetched